1. Informed Consent – Please Read

The purpose of this study is to help raise awareness on cancer and cancer research. By reading information about cancer, stress or discomfort might occur. In the case that either of these happens, feel free to exit the webpage at any time. Potential benefits from this research include increased awareness about cancer, which can help when confronted with cancer in your life personally or with someone you know. Increased awareness as a society can help lead to more breakthroughs in cancer research, as well as gearing the direction the research takes.

Although you must create an account in order to post a response on the blog, you do not need to use your legal name. The blog is a public blog which anyone can access. If you wish to remain anonymous, please do not use your legal name. You will not be compensated for participating in this research, but you will hopefully learn something new.

If you wish to participate in the project, please start by creating a free account and reading some of the information. Any feedback or comments you have is appreciated. Please note that you can withdraw from the research at any time by leaving the blog.

If you have any questions, please contact Alyssa Palmer at apalmer09@wou.edu.

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