You are what you eat

Have you ever heard the expression “you are what you eat”? This is often said, but also overlooked. A lot of people understand that genetics play a role in cancer or that certain choices like smoking or not wearing sun screen can make a difference, but how much is diet considered? Your body is made up of the building blocks it is given. In order to function properly, you need to intake the nutrients necessary to maintain yourself, or the building blocks for them. For example, some amino acids your body can make while others you need to get from what you eat. In order to be healthy, you need a balance of the nutrients you need on a regular basis. Not getting the nutrients you need can have deleterious effects. Similarly, intaking toxins can have harmful effects. With how some foods are processed, our consumption of them increases the risk of developing cancers. Preservatives and artificial colorings are thought to be harmful for human consumption, but they are abundant in some societies. In order to best take care of yourself, look into what you are eating and the effects it may have on your health. Make educated decisions and find ways to make your health goals a priority and feasible in your life.

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