3d. Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the cancers for which risk factors are known: UVB radiation from the sun increases the risk of developing it. For this reason, people are encouraged to wear sun screen, which helps block this harmful radiation from penetrating the skin to radiate the DNA. Avoiding extended exposure to the UV radiation can help decrease the risk of developing skin cancers.

Skin cancer can take on the appearance of a mole or freckle, so being observant and having any newly developed changes to your skin checked can decrease the risk of having any complications. If caught early, skin cancer can be more easily removed than many other cancers. With skin being an external organ and quick healing, the cancerous part can be removed before the cancerous cells migrate to other areas of the body.

Since UVB radiation from the sun increases the risk of developing skin cancer, UVB phototherapy has also been questioned. UVB phototherapy is a technique for treating psoriasis. Regular treatments are the key to this treatment, and help slow the growth of the harmful cells. Studies have been done on this treatment to see if a correlation between UVB phototherapy and skin cancer is present. A literature review by Lee, Koo, and Berger (2005) has examined eleven studies to discover any correlation which may exist, but has been unable to find one at that point.

[glossary of terms]

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